Loving yourself is NECESSARY. It’s not a luxury and it certainly shouldn’t be an after-thought. I challenge you to turn some of the love you’re pouring out to everyone around you, INWARD.
I know, I know… that’s easier said than done. And yes, I’m going to tell you how pole is going to help you love yourself.
Pole is a great vehicle to practice your self-devotion (aka self-love)! What we do in the studio is so much more than tricks and skills. It’s about self-care, exploration, and nurturing.
When we start working on physical skills in the studio, it helps you feel safe and secure in your body. Once you realize you’re safe in your body, you gain more confidence to dig deep and get into the growth work. It’s then that you begin to truly understand yourself — the things you like and don’t like, what feels good and not good at all — all this WITHOUT external validation.
This kind of work takes strength — both mentally and physically.
A lot of times we hear women use the excuse of, “Oh, I’m not strong enough to do that.” And they mean physical strength. But all you really need is to make the commitment to SHOW UP for yourself!
That decision is an inner strength. It’s the start of everything you need to begin this journey. And by journey… well, I mean JOURNEY. This is going to take some time!
Growth comes from consistency. You’re not going to be a “new woman” after one class. This isn’t something that just happens overnight.
There’s no shortcut.
This isn’t a “quick fix”, one and done.
We offer a space for you to develop a long-term, loving relationship with yourself.
Don’t be your own one-night stand! Commit to YOU.
If you’re excited to learn more about what pole has to offer, you’re in the right place. Click here for the class schedule and join us in the studio. We can’t wait to see you!
Oh, and follow us on Instagram for real-time studio updates and things you can do at home to begin your devotion to self-care, exploration, and nurturing. We’re thrilled that you’ve chosen to make yourself a priority.