People use the word sensual interchangeably with sexy. IT’S NOT THE SAME THING. You’re not connecting with your body. You’re going through the motions and sure, it’s cute — but it’s not sensual.
When we talk about sensual movement, we are talking about being fully present and connected to our bodies. Instead of thinking about choreography and routines, we are using our senses and allowing ourselves to move intuitively.
Here’s a simple example:
Think of a rose. Smelling a rose isn’t a sensual experience. But if you look at it, admire it, feel it against your fingertips, then smell it — THAT is a sensual encounter with this rose.
While this may seem like a silly example, sensuality is really a conscious approach to life. It’s mind, body, and soul experiences… and that all stems from noticing and appreciating the process of whatever you’re doing.
To live a sensual life, you don’t have to make more work for yourself. Heck, we’ve all got enough on the go as it is.
Instead of focusing on the big goal and getting lost in the seemingly mundane everyday, nourish yourself between all those times… aka practice sensuality!
Take the time to slow the fuck down. While you might not have the time (or desire) to keep a gratitude journal, you CAN think of something you appreciate every day before bed.
There are little things built into your days, all you have to do is open your eyes to it! Take a moment to appreciate it! Here’s an example:
Try to be FULLY PRESENT in the shower. Notice how the water feels as it trickles off your body. The texture of your loofah feels so good, doesn’t it? Ahhhh…. Inhale deeply; your body wash smells different than your shampoo. Did you ever notice that? And the lather of soap is so silky and smooth.
This is an easy way to practice sensuality. It’s my hope that this is something you can use to nurture yourself every single day. And then when you get to that big goal you set out to achieve? It’s just a BONUS. You’re already living a gratitude-filled life and feeling whole.
While we’re a pole studio and (of course) we teach pole tricks, that's just the start. Our real focus is on connecting (or reconnecting) with yourself through sensual movement. We believe dance is a catalyst for a deeper mind, body, and soul connection.
Join us in the studio and we’ll give you the tools to let go, play, explore, and amaze yourself again and again! Sign up for our Intro Series or head on over to see what’s on the current class schedule.
We can’t wait to see you in the studio! Oh, and if you like this blog you will LOVE what we share over on Instagram and Facebook. Can’t wait to connect with you!