It’s time to focus on reconnection and reclaiming our sexual selves.
On the surface, it sounds cutesy — but it’s not fuckin’ cutesy. It’s connecting to your most raw, authentic, erotic self. It’s NOT defining yourself based on the opinions of others.
Our whole lives we are judged based on who we are in relation to others. Are you a good daughter? Wife? Mother? We’ve been told our value lies in how valuable we are to someone else. But that’s a fucking lie.
Remember that very first feeling of being attractive, worthy or sexy?! Was that feeling based on someone else's words or actions?
When we start to modify how we act or look in order to become more desirable to other people, the further away we get from our authentic selves. When we present the TRUE version of ourselves and are met with rejection, we start to question it — we hear you, it’s scary.
I stand by these words spoken by Sahiba,
“An unexpected independence comes from rejection. When someone stops seeing your worth, you learn to see it from your eyes.” —
When we’ve presented our most authentic selves and have been met with rejection, we may have tried to alter ourselves in some way to be perceived as more valuable or more palatable to others. Over time we come to realize that shit just isn’t working and maybe it’s time to turn all that energy inward and start the journey back to ourselves.
We’re constantly told to dim ourselves down — and I’m here to tell you to stop that shit. Sexual liberation for women has become something that is defined by society. The media dictates that in order to be sexually liberated, you need to be promiscuous — but that’s kinda bullshit.
When we reconnect with our bodies, just for us, we reclaim our sexual energy, just for us. It’s this beautiful form of rebellion. We may not be able to change society, mainstream media, or the world outside.
But no matter what’s going on outside of us, we still have the power to reclaim our sexual energy and reconnect to our bodies for ourselves. That’s something that CAN’T be taken away by anyone — no individual, no system, no media.
If you want to “rebel” against societal expectations and twirl your way into your best self, we’re the studio for you. Join us!
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