3 Loving Reminders when you’re feeling frustrated:
You’re unique! This is a beautiful thing! It’s so easy to start comparing ourselves to others, which often leads to us feeling some kind of way about ourselves. There is not one other person with your exact life experience, personality, body proportions (and so on and so on). This is a space to flourish in your you-ness (yes, I know that’s not a real word). When we are giving attention to what others are doing instead of what feels right for us, we’re cheating ourselves out of all the yummy, juicy, embodied pleasure our bodies are screaming for.
Don’t fixate on expectations and outcomes. Sometimes shit is just not going to work out on any given day. That is normal! What is not ever going to happen is feeling like a strong, confident, capable, sexy, goddess 24/7. Didn’t nail that skill you wanted to? Your dance didn’t happen like you pictured in your head on the way to class? Put it away on a shelf and stay open to what your body wants to do that day instead. Devoting time to yourself is always the biggest win.
Above all other things, give yourself grace! Just as it’s not practical to feel strong, sexy, etc. 24/7. It’s not sustainable or attainable to feel puppies and kittens and rainbows self-lovey 24/7. We show up and do the best we can with where we’re at on any given day and that is more than enough. Days where we feel off are going to happen. Talk to yourself the way you would the woman in class next to you when you see her struggling.