We all, to some degree, have been disconnected with ourselves. Whether it’s years of social conditioning, adapting our personalities to fit in with others, or even remnants of shitty relationships-we all have something about ourselves that gets buried along the way.
Our disconnects can be physical, emotional, sexual, etc. The list goes on and on. What parts of yourself have you hidden for the sake of others? Why do we prioritize making others feel good about themselves over feeling fulfilled and happy in our own skin? Moreso, why is this so acceptable and even worse, expected of us? How the fuck did this become what we are supposed to accept as our “normal”.
The good news is, it doesn’t have to be. No matter how far down we’ve hidden these most precious parts of ourselves, they are still there waiting for us to find them again. Yes, it takes work. Yes, it takes time. Yes, it can (and will) be really fucking hard. Yes, it’s the best gift you can ever give yourself.
Even better news…you don’t have to have your life turned upside down or run away for an Eat, Pray, Love type experience to reconnect with yourself. But, more on that next time.