There’s this assumption that whenever we’re doing deep work to reconnect with ourselves on our self-discovery journey that it’s going to be so heavy… like you’re going to have to wade through human doom and gloom to “get there”.
But it’s not like that! It’s not a heavy journey.
Don’t get us wrong — it can be. There will be moments of struggle, both physical and emotional. We’re building skills and that’s just a part of it.
But if we’re approaching this as a big, heavy skillset of something we “have to do”, we’re taking away so much joy from the experience before even starting!
All you need is an open mind. Explore what happens! When you show up to class just to have fun —without the goal of mastering a trick, being the best dancer in the class, or whatever other thing you’ve decided you “have to” do — you’re making space for the lightness and happiness that comes with movement.
One of the cool things that happens at the studio over and over again, is that women who’ve created that space for joy start to see the beauty in everyone around them.
You’re in this place with women of all ages, shapes, sizes, and walks of life. Through witnessing how beautiful they all are, you start to take that inwards and see yourself in a brighter, better light too.
You do not have to have a certain body type for us.
You don’t have to change anything about yourself for us.
Everything we’ve been told about what “ideal” beauty standards is absolute fucking trash. You are beautiful, exactly as you. Right here, right now.
When you come into this space consistently, you’re going to witness beauty in a variety of forms
It’s kinda magical. And you don’t want to miss it. JOIN US in the studio! We can’t wait to get to know you. If you have any questions, drop them in the comments below or reach out to us on Instagram or Facebook. We’d love to hear from you!